Kremlin leader Vladimir Putin has agreed to head the ruling United Russia party, whose members voted unanimously in his favor. 克里姆林宫的领导人普京在俄罗斯执政的统一俄罗斯党党员表决的一致支持下同意担任该党的党魁。
The second major party is able to survive a defeat because the statistical tendency that exaggerates the victory of the winning party operates even more strongly in favor of the second party against the third, fourth, and fifth parties. 第二大党能在失败下继续生存,是因为在统计上夸大获胜党的获胜,这能够更有力地支持第二大党对第三、第四、第五党派的对抗。
India Against Corruption, a grass-roots movement that has spawned an anticorruption political party called the Aam Admi Party, alleged that the transactions amounted to a ploy for DLF to give the Gandhi family property and money to curry favor. 印度反腐败组织(该组织作为一项草根运动推动了反腐败政党平民党(AamAdmiParty)的建立)称,这些交易是DLF的一种策略,旨在用房地产和金钱来贿赂甘地家族。
The powerful finance ministry, corporate executives, bankers and even the largest opposition party favor going ahead as planned. 颇有权势的财务省、企业高管、银行业高层、乃至最大的反对党,一致青睐按原定计划增税。
The measure's bipartisan 77-20 vote was highlighted by impassioned speeches by Republicans who broke ranks with their party to vote in favor of the bill. 两党对该议案的赞成票和反对票为77比20,共和党议员们和自己的党派唱反调,投了赞成票,还发表了慷慨激昂的演说,吸引了众多目光。
How does me going to a company Christmas party do you a favor? 我去参加圣诞晚会怎么是帮你忙呢?
Opposition party has never won favor with the electorate ever since it was doffed in2001 for economic recession. 反对党自从2001年因为经济危机落马以来,就再也没有得到过选民的信任。
A party favor consisting of a paper roll ( usually containing candy or a small favor) that pops when pulled at both ends. 由一些纸卷(通常包含糖果或小礼物)的宴会礼物,当拉扯尾端时发出喀喀声。
Of course, we don't rule out the use of very demonstrative means of expressing love; it's just that it is not required to obtain and maintain the other party's love and favor. 当然,也不排除用很富于表达性的方法来表示爱,只不过是不一定需要用这种方法来博取和延续对方的欢心和爱而已。
He will stand down as party leader in favor of a younger candidate. 他将辞去党领导的职务,让位给年轻点的候选人。
In selecting your intimates, you are perhaps to consider which party you most favor in the barons wars. ( No.46) 在挑选你亲爱的人时,也许要考虑在男爵们争斗中,你最倾向哪一边。
Angle is a favorite of Tea Party Republicans, who favor a very limited role for government, a strong military and low taxes. 安格尔倍受茶党欣赏。茶党力主小政府,强大的国防和低税收。
Under the guidance of the Party he has rejected the idealist view of history in favor of the materialist. 在党的教导下,他已经抛弃唯心主义历史观,接受了唯物主义历史观。
What do you say if each party open a letter of credit in favor of the other party? 如果双方均开出一张以对方为受益人的信用证,您认为如何?
You want a party favor? 你是要“派对套餐”吧?
Beneficiary is the party in whose favor the letter of credit is issued, and who is entitled to redeive the payment, that is, the exporter. 受益人是指信用证中所制定的有权接受货款的人,即出口方。
Fluidity contract should be admitted in Chinese Tomorrow's "Real Right Law", which not only respects the party's autonomy of intention, but also is in favor of unification of the value tropism. 我国未来《物权法》应承认流质契约,这不仅是尊重当事人意思自治的需要,也是实现担保权价值取向统一的需要,还是排除创设新型担保权之障碍的需要。
Every now and then, party's diversity of class character and progressivism achieves public benefit halfway despite the rise of party in favor of public benefit. 政党的兴起有利于公共利益的实现,但由于政党的阶级性与先进性的差异使公共利益难以完全实现。
The system of party, regardless good or bad originally, became a favor among parties in the country, only dual party system was viable. 本无优劣可言的政党制度,变成了一国政党之兴,只宜两大对峙。
Analyzing party's statement in system as the method of proof, is in favor of the exertion of it's procedure function. 对当事人陈述进行以充实程序规则为核心的制度化分析有利于强化其程序功能。
On today various television program shows like rising winds and surging clouds, the evening party as a program form is always high in the fabricator and audience favor. 在各种电视综艺节目风起云涌的今天,晚会始终是制作者和观众所青睐的节目形式。